91 research outputs found

    Short-term plasticity as cause-effect hypothesis testing in distal reward learning

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    Asynchrony, overlaps and delays in sensory-motor signals introduce ambiguity as to which stimuli, actions, and rewards are causally related. Only the repetition of reward episodes helps distinguish true cause-effect relationships from coincidental occurrences. In the model proposed here, a novel plasticity rule employs short and long-term changes to evaluate hypotheses on cause-effect relationships. Transient weights represent hypotheses that are consolidated in long-term memory only when they consistently predict or cause future rewards. The main objective of the model is to preserve existing network topologies when learning with ambiguous information flows. Learning is also improved by biasing the exploration of the stimulus-response space towards actions that in the past occurred before rewards. The model indicates under which conditions beliefs can be consolidated in long-term memory, it suggests a solution to the plasticity-stability dilemma, and proposes an interpretation of the role of short-term plasticity.Comment: Biological Cybernetics, September 201

    Neural plasticity and minimal topologies for reward-based learning

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    Artificial Neural Networks for online learning problems are often implemented with synaptic plasticity to achieve adaptive behaviour. A common problem is that the overall learning dynamics are emergent properties strongly dependent on the correct combination of neural architectures, plasticity rules and environmental features. Which complexity in architectures and learning rules is required to match specific control and learning problems is not clear. Here a set of homosynaptic plasticity rules is applied to topologically unconstrained neural controllers while operating and evolving in dynamic reward-based scenarios. Performances are monitored on simulations of bee foraging problems and T-maze navigation. Varying reward locations compel the neural controllers to adapt their foraging strategies over time, fostering online reward-based learning. In contrast to previous studies, the results here indicate that reward-based learning in complex dynamic scenarios can be achieved with basic plasticity rules and minimal topologies. © 2008 IEEE

    Short and long term plasticity as cause-effect hypothesis testing in robotic ambiguous scenarios

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    Short and long term plasticity as cause-effect hypothesis testing in robotic ambiguous scenario

    Online representation learning with single and multi-layer Hebbian networks for image classification

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    Unsupervised learning permits the development of algorithms that are able to adapt to a variety of different datasets using the same underlying rules thanks to the autonomous discovery of discriminating features during training. Recently, a new class of Hebbian-like and local unsupervised learning rules for neural networks have been developed that minimise a similarity matching costfunction. These have been shown to perform sparse representation learning. This study tests the effectiveness of one such learning rule for learning features from images. The rule implemented is derived from a nonnegative classical multidimensional scaling cost-function, and is applied to both single and multi-layer architectures. The features learned by the algorithm are then used as input to an SVM to test their effectiveness in classification on the established CIFAR-10 image dataset. The algorithm performs well in comparison to other unsupervised learning algorithms and multi-layer networks, thus suggesting its validity in the design of a new class of compact, online learning networks

    Movement primitives as a robotic tool to interpret trajectories through learning-by-doing

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    Articulated movements are fundamental in many human and robotic tasks. While humans can learn and generalise arbitrarily long sequences of movements, and particularly can optimise them to fit the constraints and features of their body, robots are often programmed to execute point-to-point precise but fixed patterns. This study proposes a new approach to interpreting and reproducing articulated and complex trajectories as a set of known robot-based primitives. Instead of achieving accurate reproductions, the proposed approach aims at interpreting data in an agent-centred fashion, according to an agent's primitive movements. The method improves the accuracy of a reproduction with an incremental process that seeks first a rough approximation by capturing the most essential features of a demonstrated trajectory. Observing the discrepancy between the demonstrated and reproduced trajectories, the process then proceeds with incremental decompositions and new searches in sub-optimal parts of the trajectory. The aim is to achieve an agent-centred interpretation and progressive learning that fits in the first place the robots' capability, as opposed to a data-centred decomposition analysis. Tests on both geometric and human generated trajectories reveal that the use of own primitives results in remarkable robustness and generalisation properties of the method. In particular, because trajectories are understood and abstracted by means of agent-optimised primitives, the method has two main features: 1) Reproduced trajectories are general and represent an abstraction of the data. 2) The algorithm is capable of reconstructing highly noisy or corrupted data without pre-processing thanks to an implicit and emergent noise suppression and feature detection. This study suggests a novel bio-inspired approach to interpreting, learning and reproducing articulated movements and trajectories. Possible applications include drawing, writing, movement generation, object manipulation, and other tasks where the performance requires human-like interpretation and generalisation capabilities

    Online representation learning with single and multi-layer Hebbian networks for image classification

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    Unsupervised learning permits the development of algorithms that are able to adapt to a variety of different datasets using the same underlying rules thanks to the autonomous discovery of discriminating features during training. Recently, a new class of Hebbian-like and local unsupervised learning rules for neural networks have been developed that minimise a similarity matching costfunction. These have been shown to perform sparse representation learning. This study tests the effectiveness of one such learning rule for learning features from images. The rule implemented is derived from a nonnegative classical multidimensional scaling cost-function, and is applied to both single and multi-layer architectures. The features learned by the algorithm are then used as input to an SVM to test their effectiveness in classification on the established CIFAR-10 image dataset. The algorithm performs well in comparison to other unsupervised learning algorithms and multi-layer networks, thus suggesting its validity in the design of a new class of compact, online learning networks

    Evolutionary and Computational Advantages of Neuromodulated Plasticity

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    The integration of modulatory neurons into evolutionary artificial neural networks is proposed here. A model of modulatory neurons was devised to describe a plasticity mechanism at the low level of synapses and neurons. No initial assumptions were made on the network structures or on the system level dynamics. The work of this thesis studied the outset of high level system dynamics that emerged employing the low level mechanism of neuromodulated plasticity. Fully-fledged control networks were designed by simulated evolution: an evolutionary algorithm could evolve networks with arbitrary size and topology using standard and modulatory neurons as building blocks. A set of dynamic, reward-based environments was implemented with the purpose of eliciting the outset of learning and memory in networks. The evolutionary time and the performance of solutions were compared for networks that could or could not use modulatory neurons. The experimental results demonstrated that modulatory neurons provide an evolutionary advantage that increases with the complexity of the control problem. Networks with modulatory neurons were also observed to evolve alternative neural control structures with respect to networks without neuromodulation. Different network topologies were observed to lead to a computational advantage such as faster input-output signal processing. The evolutionary and computational advantages induced by modulatory neurons strongly suggest the important role of neuromodulated plasticity for the evolution of networks that require temporal neural dynamics, adaptivity and memory functions

    Novelty of Behaviour as a Basis for the Neuro-evolution of Operant Reward Learning

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    An agent that deviates from a usual or previous course of action can be said to display novel or varying behaviour. Novelty of behaviour can be seen as the result of real or apparent randomness in decision making, which prevents an agent from repeating exactly past choices. In this paper, novelty of behaviour is considered as an evolutionary precursor of the exploring skill in reward learning, and conservative behaviour as the precursor of exploitation. Novelty of behaviour in neural control is hypothesised to be an important factor in the neuro-evolution of operant reward learning. Agents capable of varying behaviour, as opposed to conservative, when exposed to reward stimuli appear to acquire on a faster evolutionary scale the meaning and use of such reward information. The hypothesis is validated by comparing the performance during evolution in two environments that either favour or are neutral to novelty. Following these findings, we suggest that neuro-evolution of operant reward learning is fostered by environments where behavioural novelty is intrinsically beneficial, i.e. where varying or exploring behaviour is associated with low risk

    Editorial: Neural plasticity for rich and uncertain robotic information streams

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    Editorial: Neural plasticity for rich and uncertain robotic information stream

    POET: an evo-devo method to optimize the weights of a large artificial neural networks

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    Large search spaces as those of artificial neural networks are difficult to search with machine learning techniques. The large amount of parameters is the main challenge for search techniques that do not exploit correlations expressed as patterns in the parameter space. Evolutionary computation with indirect genotype-phenotype mapping was proposed as a possible solution, but current methods often fail when the space is fractured and presents irregularities. This study employs an evolutionary indirect encoding inspired by developmental biology. Cellular proliferations and deletions of variable size allow for the definition of both regular large areas and small detailed areas in the parameter space. The method is tested on the search of the weights of a neural network for the classification of the MNIST dataset. The results demonstrate that even large networks such as those required for image classification can be effectively automatically designed by the proposed evolutionary developmental method. The combination of real-world problems like vision and classification, evolution and development, endows the proposed method with aspects of particular relevance to artificial life
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